Integrative Recovery Medicine

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“Friendly Fire”

Our immune systems play an important role in keeping our bodies safe from invaders like bacteria and viruses. Autoimmune diseases are complex conditions where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in the body. This is akin to “friendly fire”, a military term used to describe when weapon fire comes from one’s own side.

These diseases can affect various organs and systems, leading to chronic inflammation, pain, and other debilitating symptoms. Common conditions include autoimmune thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. Conventional medicine often relies on medications to manage symptoms, but naturopathic doctors offer a different perspective. By addressing the root causes of autoimmune diseases and utilizing natural therapies, they aim to restore balance to the body and promote healing.

Understanding Autoimmune Conditions

These conditions arise from a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and dysregulation of the immune system. Factors such as chronic stress, poor diet, infections, toxins, and hormonal imbalances can contribute to immune dysfunction, leading to the development of autoimmune disorders.

Rates of autoimmune disease have risen from 11.5% of people screened to 15.9% over the two decades of the 2000s according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Adolescents aged 12-19 years old are the group that has experienced the largest increase in incidence. Scientists suspect that the impact of environmental and lifestyle changes in modern times are contributing to these increased numbers.

Naturopathic Treatment Approach:

Naturopathic doctors (NDs or NMDs) take a holistic approach to healthcare, focusing on treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms. When it comes to autoimmune diseases, our treatment strategies aim to modulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and support the body's natural healing processes.

Here's how we typically approach treatment:

  1. Identification of Triggers

    Naturopathic doctors work closely with patients to identify potential triggers that may be exacerbating their autoimmune condition. This often involves thorough medical history assessments, comprehensive laboratory testing, and sometimes specialized diagnostic techniques like food sensitivity testing or assessments for environmental toxins.

  2. Diet and Nutrition

    Nutrition plays a crucial role in managing autoimmune diseases. Naturopathic doctors emphasize anti-inflammatory diets rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins. We will usually recommend specific dietary protocols or elimination diets to identify and remove potential trigger foods.

  3. Lifestyle Modifications

    Research has been really clear that lifestyle factors such as stress, sleep, and physical activity can significantly impact immune function and autoimmune disease progression. Naturopathic doctors counsel patients on stress management techniques, mindfulness practices, adequate sleep hygiene, and tailored exercise programs to support overall well-being.

  4. Herbal Medicine and Supplements

    Herbal medicine and nutritional supplements are commonly used by naturopathic doctors to modulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. For example, herbs like turmeric, ginger, and licorice have potent anti-inflammatory properties, while supplements such as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics can support immune function and gut health. We can customize what a patient is supplementing with to ensure that they are getting the best return on their investment.

  5. Low-Dose Naltrexone

    Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) is a medication that works in a unique manner compared to its traditional use. Typically, naltrexone is prescribed in higher doses to help manage addiction by blocking opioid receptors in the brain. However, when used in low doses, typically ranging from 1.5 to 4.5 milligrams, LDN exhibits different pharmacological effects. It is believed that LDN works by temporarily blocking opioid receptors, which prompts the body to increase its production of endorphins and enkephalins, natural substances that modulate pain and inflammation. Additionally, LDN may also modulate immune function by regulating the activity of certain immune cells, particularly those involved in autoimmune diseases. This dual action on both the nervous and immune systems makes LDN a promising option for various conditions, including autoimmune diseases. Essentially, it assists the body come back into immune balance and has minimal side-effects. So many patients of mine have found that this has been a pivotal part of their healing process.

  6. Gut Health Optimization

    The gut plays a central role in immune regulation, and imbalances in gut microbiota (dysbiosis) have been linked to autoimmune diseases. Naturopathic doctors focus on restoring gut health through strategies like probiotics, prebiotics, fermented foods, and addressing intestinal permeability (leaky gut) with targeted interventions. The functional medicine lab test assessment of gut health has been a game changer in the past few years to really pinpoint and treat imbalances in the gut.

  7. Detoxification

    Environmental toxins can exacerbate autoimmune diseases by triggering inflammation and oxidative stress. Naturopathic doctors may recommend detoxification protocols to support the body's natural detox pathways, including liver and gall bladder support, lymphatic drainage techniques, saunas, and chelation.

  8. Mind-Body Medicine

    Mental and emotional well-being are integral to overall health, especially in autoimmune diseases where stress can worsen symptoms. I enjoy incorporating and encouraging mind-body therapies such as meditation and counseling to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Get a Naturopathic Doctor on Your Team

Naturopathic doctors offer a holistic approach to treating autoimmune diseases, addressing the underlying factors contributing to immune dysfunction and promoting the body's innate healing abilities. Through personalized treatment plans encompassing dietary interventions, lifestyle modifications, herbal medicine, supplements, and mind-body therapies, they empower patients to take an active role in managing their health. Naturopathic care offers an integrative approach that focuses on long-term wellness and prevention. By addressing the root causes of autoimmune diseases and supporting the body's natural balance, naturopathic medicine provides hope for those seeking alternatives to conventional treatments.