graphic of naturopathic doctor and patient using telehealth video

Many people shifted to online work during the pandemic and I was one of them.

I had decided to open a new practice beginning in early 2021. Most of the restrictions to prevent the spread of covid were still in place at that time so it made sense to provide my naturopathic services through telehealth. Like many making this shift, this was a big change. I remember thinking before 2020 that telehealth seemed weird, referring to it as “doc in a box”, and I wasn’t sure why some providers had begun to offer this service.

Now that it’s 2024, and after 3 years of experience doing this, I’d like to share an overview of virtual services.

Benefits of Online Naturopathic Care

Convenience is certainly the greatest benefit of telehealth appointments. Time is money and it can create hardship for people to carve out time to travel to an appointment. It’s not unusual for people to spend more time on their commute and from an appointment than on the actual appointment. An online appointment can typically be done during a lunch break from work, if needed.

Flexibility is another benefit of online appointments.

Have a kiddo home from school that day? No problem.

Need to provide caregiving to a loved one on the day of the appointment? You can be available during the call if the need arises. 

Care Beyond Tucson

There are many folks who I work with that live in remote areas without naturopathic doctors nearby. I have worked with people that live as far as Flagstaff. More typically they’re located in remote areas of Green Valley, Sahuarita, Sierra Vista, and other places surrounding Tucson. I am licensed to offer medical services to people located anywhere within Arizona.

Overview of Online Services Available

I can get a pretty good look at people during the appointment and sometimes ask them to hold a part of their body close to the video camera so that I can get a good look at something like a rash or swelling. I may have someone move a body part in a particular manner or push on an area and report to me if it causes discomfort. Occasionally, I’ll have someone take a picture of an issue and share it with me securely.

I will frequently ask people if they can take their vital signs like blood pressure and pulse. If not, we try to figure out if they have someone in their life who can do this for them or if they can purchase an automated cuff. Often people have had their vitals measured at other medical appointments and can confirm there is no history of issues with that.


It can be convenient to have a blood draw or to submit a urine sample at the time of a medical appointment. However, I usually order blood labs that require fasting. Therefore, it’s just as easy to put in an electronic order with Sonora Quest. The patient will schedule their appointment at one of over 70 locations in Arizona.

I also order quite a few functional medicine lab tests. I use a company named Rupa that permits ordering from over 30 different laboratories. I order the tests and the kits are mailed to my patients’ homes. They will collect the required sample and send it back to the lab for analysis.


Did you know that prescribers can prescribe medications via an app? I have a prescription pad but never use it. It’s easiest for everyone for the prescription to be transmitted electronically.

One of the largest supplement clearing houses in the country used by holistic providers is located here in Arizona. They also have an integration in the medical record that I use making it super easy for people to access specific recommendations and, if desired, have them shipped directly to them. I provide a 10% discount to all my patients for supplement purchases which is competitive with other retailers.


There are certainly times when it is helpful to examine someone closely like to look in their ears or to palpate a particular area of concern. Depending on the nature of the issues, I may request that someone come to see me in person to examine this.

There’s always the possibility of a challenging internet connection. Fortunately, when this happens, we can adjust by talking by phone, if necessary.

Mix and Match

I currently provide both in-person and online appointments to my patients. While I prefer the in-person interaction I know that many people may prioritize not having to shift their work or family schedules. Not having to commute to an appointment and having the convenience of simply clicking on a Zoom link can be of greater importance for them. Many people have been opting for an in-person initial appointment and then switching to online appointments for their follow-up appointments. It’s really up to the patient as to what they prefer.


