Integrative Functional Naturopathic Services
Functional Lab Tests
This is the use of science to determine the underlying cause or causes of illness. The lab tests can be used to interpret how the body is functioning and where there might be issues that can be addressed. Commonly used tests assess; digestive functioning, reproductive/stress hormone levels, heavy metal toxicity, and food sensitivity tests.
Herbal Medicine
Plants have been used as medicine throughout the world in all cultures. The use of herbal medicine typically has minimal side effects and can help support the body’s healing processes. Herbal medicines are available in a variety of forms including teas, pills, tinctures, and salves.
Hormone Balancing
Hormone imbalances can cause PMS, cycle irregularity, peri and menopausal/andropausal symptoms. It also can contribute to issues with mood, libido, sexual performance and overall well-being. Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can be assessed by symptoms and/or testing. Hormonal support can be provided through the use of supplements, herbs and hormone replacement.
This encompasses vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein supplements, and others. These can be used for both acute and chronic issues as well as for health optimization. Dr. Dawn can streamline your supplement plan to best meet your unique needs.
As a licensed naturopathic physician in AZ, Dr. Dawn has broad prescribing rights and has a DEA number. She frequently works with compounding pharmacists to create specialized blends to help with pain management and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
Nutrition is one of the core aspects of health. Food is medicine. It is also important to identify what foods may be contributing to health issues. This is customized to each person.
Dr. Dawn Bantel gives an overview of what to expect when working with her.
Book easily online or call 520-222-9371. A $50 deposit is required.
The 1st appointment is $199 and follow-up appointments are $99.
1st Appointment: This is a comprehensive review of your medical history and health goals. A virtual physical exam may be conducted and initial labs may be ordered. Up to 60 minutes long.
2nd Appointment: Appointments will be scheduled to review lab results, and progress, and make adjustments. Up to 30 minutes long.
Both in-person and telehealth appointments are available.
Integrative Recovery Medicine is a fee-for-service practice and does not accept medical insurance. Few insurance plans in Arizona cover naturopathic care. Superbills can be provided upon request for those seeking reimbursement.
Often routine labwork can be covered by insurance. The exceptions are Medicare/Medicaid and Tricare as they don’t accept lab orders from naturopathic doctors.
Yes! Supplement purchases are discounted 10% and specialty testing is provided at wholesale costs (with a 7% markup by the company that processes them).